Wayward Ditch Pig
As a news release, it was pretty thin. I would expect a beverage company to secure a bottling plant.
I get what you're saying but I disagree at least a bit. The last time we heard from Jeff, they were looking for a temporary facility/bottling plant to get them through until they found the permanent facility. That this facility exists, has been completely retro fitted and is waiting for municipal inspection is fairly material news.
Don't get me wrong, if the stock wasn't bleeding profusely over the previous week (or longer really...pretty hard nose dive since Sessions pulled his asshattery), I think he saves it until after the muni inspection (why risk the possibility of a license driven delay impacting the stock if you don't have to?) but it's fairly impactful material news given the last update.
I suspect a lot of TNY shareholders are nervous nellies, so the PR was more about "we're still alive". Maser is pretty spartan when it comes to press releases -- something I like. Too many penny stocks recycle old news into "look at us" empty hype.
Yeah, the long holds (such as myself) were getting pretty skittish so I think the NR was definitely at least partially to calm the money down. I generally appreciate Maser's approach. Have you ever looked at EAT's history of NR's? Hey, we opened a new account with a dispensary chain of 4 stores that is going to start carrying our product!!! Here's a full news release with the details. The last update before today for TNY was on reformulation news for both core products (T27 going back to the formulator for a Sativa high instead of an Indica), the update on the temp facility, update on cash position, etc, etc, etc. I much prefer that aside from it rattling weak hands and ****ing with my paper net worth for a bit.
Hopefully the creep upwards continues for a few more days, and the stock can consolidate there.
That's going to be interesting. There's just not enough history here to know where any natural resistance or support levels might exist and technical indicators (when it's not a step or two up from cloud reading) are almost useless in a small cap stock in this type of volatile market. I won't even put the word "think" in a sentence where I say that I hope we consolidate in the 1.50-1.60 range.
Which probably means that it goes parabolic for no ****ing reason again and hit's 2.20 by Friday, or we gap down to 1.15 tomorrow morning.