As a steak topper with roasted garlic, it’s hard to beat as well.I’m pretty on-board with this, though I’d move the well-aged cheddar (minimum 5 years) up to 2nd place on my personal rankings.
And there are few things on earth that beat the pairing of bacon and blue cheese, though a great, creamy blue cheese is also amazing on its own.
Mac and Cheese Helper?
disgustingI used to put chicken fingers in KD
KD + leftover taco meat is pretty greatWhen I was in uni I would mix a box of KD with 1lb+ ground beef and smother that shit with ketchup. Glory days.
As a steak topper with roasted garlic, it’s hard to beat as well.
Yeah, packaged mac and cheese is the worst. Properly made, oven baked mac and cheese is comfort food of the gods.
As a steak topper with roasted garlic, it’s hard to beat as well.
Yeah, packaged mac and cheese is the worst.
Oh man, yeah. Amazing.
Though the combo my mom went with and I often copy is blue cheese + caramelized onions as a steak topper.
Can’t go wrong with either though.
I dunno. I grew up loving KD, and still keep a box or two on-hand at all times as an adult for when I get the occasional craving.
I fully recognize it’s trash food, but sometimes trash food really hits the spot.
No ketchup on it for me, though.
Fancy nonsense to hype up a shit limited time fast good burgerI may have a bone to pick on caramelized onions.
They may be another of the great culinary frauds.
It has its place as a 3AM sadness snackCan't agree there man. It's turrible. The "pasta" is shit quality that gets plastic-y in a hurry and cheese powder is a crime against humanity. It even tries to warn us all by being a nuclear orange type colour.
I may have a bone to pick on caramelized onions.
They may be another of the great culinary frauds.