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OT: American Politics

Bannon - convicted of contempt, charged with fraud
Barrack - convicted
Broidy - pled guilty
Cohen - pled guilty
Flynn - pardoned
Gates - pled guilty
Nader - convicted pedo
Manafort - convicted
Stone - pardoned
Weisselberg - plea deal
Papadopolous - pardoned
Lewandowski - plea deal

Lindell, Giuliani, Powell, Meadows, who’s next?
Unless the states in question are the ones footing the bill, do those states have the standing to proceed?

The states are just asking voters, who benefit from this, to not vote R
The states gave up the right to have any say in higher education the minute they began charging tuition at state schools which, up to then, had been tuition-free. The whole point of making college expensive was so that students would need to seek out predatory lenders to finance it and would be on the hook for so much debt that they wouldn't have time to protest the government and change the system. The side benefit was also that the poor and minorities would be largely excluded from being able to access higher education which, in turn, would keep them entrenched at the bottom of the heap forever. After all, someone has to scrub toilets. They can't all work on Wall Street.

Finding ways to get people into debt and ways to keep them there is about one thing: control.

Don't celebrate just yet. In the US people who own waterfront properties are entitled to all sorts of federal money to rebuild (because people who own waterfront property are inevitably wealthy and the law works for them) so John Q. Public will probably wind up paying for his new house.

There's no Jew like a self-loathing Jew. Pretty much each and every racial, ethnic or religious minority person who supports Trump and Republicans is self-loathing and morally bankrupt enough to sell out their own kind for a few bucks.

I get why a white Southern Baptist would be a Trump fan, but the fact that this rogue's gallery of racial/cultural/ethnic Uncle Tom's and Aunt Jemimah's shucking and jiving to curry favor with the very people who would happily load them into boxcars as soon as they were no longer needed even exists just eludes me. Does Ben Shapiro really believe that if the fascists he seeks to normalize on a daily basis ever get power that they will thank him for his service to the cause and just "forget" about the fact that he's a Jew, the very people that they vowed "would not replace us"? Does Candace Owens think that because she's from Connecticut and is married to a white guy that these people will give her a mulligan for being black once they no longer need token blacks around to keep up appearances? Dinesh D'Souza? "Brigitte Gabriel" (born Hanan Qahwaji)?

Literally the only thing I'm looking forward to once the US devolves into a Christo-fascist theocracy is watching the stunned look on the faces of these sell-out's when they discover that white supremacy is reserved exclusively for actual white people, not their minority "allies".