I am still lost for words on this tragic accident..I have traveled on buses in Junior A so this really hits home. Godspeed to the Broncos and that poor truck driver...
The PK trade has stirred up lots of emotions, who won that trade is still unknown. Reading the comments reminded me of other trades the Habs have made that made me pissed.
The first one was in 70-71 season when the Habs traded Mickey Redmond for the Big M, I hated this trade, I saw Mickey play...
Just curious to see if the low oil prices is effecting anyone in a negative way. You don't take out billions of dollars out of the economy and it not come to your hood.. it has taken a bit but we are starting to see the negative impact here in the Okanagan, sadly, the foreclosures are stacking...
A little late getting this one up this year. I just want to wish everybody a happy and safe summer. Any big plans? Myself I have a few extended week-ends penciled in for some road trips to Vancouver with the new roadster. The main holiday comes this September when the lady and I take off to...