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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Well the market seems to be setting on that #4 D. Dillon, Scandella, Demello, Greene all going.

Teams should have an idea on Gustaffson, Martinez, Vatanen, etc.

Toffolli and Coleman should make things clearer for middle 6 W too
True , but there is no language issue or cap limit fixing my fundamental problem......drafting and developing

Pipes , and the rest of our current and previous crew failed for a decade

And it's still a disgrace to the history of the franchise that we're essentially a bottom-5 team in payroll in the NHL. If you're not going to spend on player talent, then at least be the team that takes on a 1st round pick to buy out another team's mistake.

But yeah, the org basically needs to be shot out of a cannon, from the top to the bottom, and then you need a management team in that doesn't care if the french media hate them because they don't speak French.
True , but there is no language issue or cap limit fixing my fundamental problem......drafting and developing

Pipes , and the rest of our current and previous crew failed for a decade

Hire the best people and philosophy tends to sort itself out. Being poor at draft and development is a symptom of a broader organizational issue imo.
I doubt the leafs were in on any of these rentals.

If anything, barrie gets moved as a rental to facilitate another deal.
Yeah, doesn't make sense for the Leafs to give up a 2nd+ for a guy like this. Too bad Ceci is hurt though, bc we probably could have done ok for him.
And it's still a disgrace to the history of the franchise that we're essentially a bottom-5 team in payroll in the NHL. If you're not going to spend on player talent, then at least be the team that takes on a 1st round pick to buy out another team's mistake.

But yeah, the org basically needs to be shot out of a cannon, from the top to the bottom, and then you need a management team in that doesn't care if the french media hate them because they don't speak French.

All of that might be true but . . . the Canadiens have an excellent prospect pool at this point, they mostly need an actual no. 1 center not a wannabe like KK. The one thing MB is reasonably good at is making trades.
Canadiens have an excellent prospect pool at this point

Another chapter in the feel good story of local boy Scandella getting to play for his childhood team.

He refused to resign. Bergevin tried and his camp said they’ll wait for summer. So that hometown shit is precisely that. Buh bye Marco.