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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Nope. So he did get one more year from Carolina than he got from Montreal.

He basically would’ve made the same money over three years with them. So basically he’s playing an extra year for free rather than sign with Montreal. A true Leaf thru and thru.
What's a Josh Morrissey? Had honestly never heard of the guy before today.

Just looking at his career numbers thus far, the Jets must be betting heavily that he'll grow into that contract.
nah he's realgud. did real well against top-tier matchups, with surprising even strength fofense, and arguably their best dman, even ahead of his top-pair partner trouba and the more sheltered buff.
nah he's realgud. did real well against top-tier matchups, with surprising even strength fofense, and arguably their best dman, even ahead of his top-pair partner trouba and the more sheltered buff.

Yeah, he's probably their best defenseman
Jets took a bit shit on Laine offering him 5m x 6

I get his is a liability but he is good for 35-40 goals every season
honestly Laine's impact numbers are so terrible I probably wouldn't want him even at that price.

He's a guy they should be trying superhard to trade to a team like the Habs or something.
Its kind of crazy. His 66 ES goals in his first 3 seasons is 7th among active players and 11th since 1990, but he still has a huge overall negative impact. He literally does nothing else.

Btw, Matthews is 2nd among active players, and 12th all time despite missing a bunch of games.
lol seriously?

Yeah, I'm super serial.

Guess it goes to show how much attention I've paid to the Jets in the past couple of years.

LaInE's bEtTeR!!!!!

Oh...remember that shit?

I'm not sure what's cringier, in retrospect.

That chant, or the former TSN Jets beat reporter who wrote a fawning article about Laine about a month into his/Matthews' rookie seasons declaring that Laine was better, because he's the better goal scorer of the two and can always learn how to skate better and play away from the puck & stuff.

Whoopsie doodle...
I feel for Laine - he got dropped on a capped-out team with immediate Cup aspirations, playing for Paul Maurice.
honestly Laine's impact numbers are so terrible I probably wouldn't want him even at that price.

He's a guy they should be trying superhard to trade to a team like the Habs or something.
Why do you want the habs get all the garbage players like Gardiner and Laine?
I dunno why the Habs wouldn’t want Gardiner tbh. Still think he would’ve been a good fit especially at that AAV.