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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

I dunno why the Habs wouldn’t want Gardiner tbh. Still think he would’ve been a good fit especially at that AAV.

It looks like the Habs themselves did want him, though not enough to go from three years to four years I guess.

It's just dumb Hab fans who wouldn't want him.

That said, it's not totally unreasonable if your stance is that you're scared off by his age and mysterious back ailment.
It looks like the Habs themselves did want him, though not enough to go from three years to four years I guess.

It's just dumb Hab fans who wouldn't want him.

That said, it's not totally unreasonable if your stance is that you're scared off by his age and mysterious back ailment.

At 4.05 mill and a hole on LD I think I take that risk. Not like you wouldn’t see medical files/have a physical.
At 4.05 mill and a hole on LD I think I take that risk. Not like you wouldn’t see medical files/have a physical.

Me too. Especially for a team with a 34 year-old #1 defenseman, and 32 year-old franchise goalie.

It's just that if your argument against Gardiner is health, I can at least respect that, unlike "lol gardiner sux".
I would rather one of the habs young guys, especially romanov have a shot rather than pay a broken down Gardiner for 3-4 years
I would rather one of the habs young guys, especially romanov have a shot rather than pay a broken down Gardiner for 3-4 years

Will be interesting to revisit this at the end of the year because I’d be awfully surprised if your kids are close to Gardiner this year and next.
honestly Laine's impact numbers are so terrible I probably wouldn't want him even at that price.

He's a guy they should be trying superhard to trade to a team like the Habs or something.
Shut your filthy mouth!!

There's a bunch of Hab fans that want to trade for him then give him like $10M a year. Ugh.
Not so hot by this.

They are betting on future performance. He is a kid.

If he is the next Rielly the contract looks great. If he is the next Ristolainen it doesn't. If he is somewhere in between its probably fair.