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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Or....goalies are a big part of winning in the playoffs and the team currently up 3-0 has a vezina finalist in net who has played well through out the playoffs.

Serious question, what happens to this series if Bob doesn't steal game 1?

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No argument that good goaltending is important in any series! Of course it is! The argument is about whether the Leafs "need" an elite goalie. They don't. And this playoff, as well as most playoffs, have proven it!

At the end of the day Skinner and Bob have performed similarly over the past several years as basically average starters. And one of those teams is gonna win the cup. Nothing wrong with shooting for average when it comes to getting a goalie!
"I just want an elite nerdies team with elite talent to take over"


Well, it's gotten fucking goalied in 2 of 3 games so far.
One thing that does amuse me is some of the people who are in the all goalies are assholes camp also seem to think there is a huge difference between one coach and another.

I would argue goaltending is far more important to a team success than coaching.
"I just want an elite nerdies team with elite talent to take over"

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Well, it's gotten fucking goalied in 2 of 3 games so far.
You're misrepresenting what I'm saying. Do you think I don't believe goaltending is important? Especially in a 3 game sample? Of course it is. The point is that two similarly performing goalies over the last several seasons have vastly different numbers in the first three games of this series. Which is normal. That's goaltending in small samples.

This isn't evidence that the Leafs need to get a goalie as good as Bob and not as good as Skinner. They're both similar as you pointed out.
No argument that good goaltending is important in any series! Of course it is! The argument is about whether the Leafs "need" an elite goalie. They don't. And this playoff, as well as most playoffs, have proven it!

At the end of the day Skinner and Bob have performed similarly over the past several years as basically average starters. And one of those teams is gonna win the cup. Nothing wrong with shooting for average when it comes to getting a goalie!

Everything you say is always going to make more sense when you keep making up the counter arguments.

There's maybe 3 elite goalies in the league right now and while it would be nice to shake Sorokin loose for less than rape, that hasn't been seriously put forward by the "get a goalie" group. I keep seeing people ask for the best goalie available, not an "elite" goalie.

fwiw, Skinner and Bob have both been comfortably above average over the last few years combined, not average.
That's fucking rich considering that you consistently misstate the arguments made by the pro goalie camp and strawman the fuck out of the entire conversation.
I responded to someone saying that no one ever said Skinner was a good goalie. And the past two pages have used Skinner as evidence that they need to get a goalie. You then pretended that I said that goaltending in a three game sample doesn't matter.

The constantly shifting narratives I've seen that confirm people's biases are simply comical to me. Maybe they aren't to you but I get a kick out of it.
Maybe I am missing something here in the last 3 years Skinner has the worst 5v5 gsaa among playoff starters

Skinner 31gp : -15.22
Bob 49gp : 11.24
I think it's fair to say you need a great goaltending performance, and not necessarily a "great goaltender".
And man, the amount of "great" goalies out there that have had shit playoff performances in the past few years is crazy high. An elite big money d or C is gonna control possession in a 7 game sample, even if they aren't scoring. You will benefit from them in some way regardless of their counting stats. A big money goalie in a 7 game sample can be anything really. That is not enough games to judge a goalie nor is it enough games to EXPECT a certain level of performance. It's just not a position I'm into spending much cap space on. I think there's better value elsewhere.

Neither of these teams are where they are because they dedicated a certain amount of their cap allocation to goaltending. They're just two of the best teams and have goalies that typically don't trip on their dicks. Leafs main focus should be being the best team, I feel like they haven't even tried that yet.
So the highest paid goalie in the league having the best cup final ever is supposedly proof of not needing good goaltending, ok…
People overreact to poor performance over small sample sizes. I mean Auston had a 40 goal year last year and was not a $13 million player. He was also shit in the playoffs this year. Doesn’t mean #1 centers are assholes and you don’t need them.
Yup. That was... Not the narrative at all? Everyone (except Presto, apparently) thought Skinner was a huge question mark all year long. He even lost the job for a few games earlier in the playoffs.
People overreact to poor performance over small sample sizes. I mean Auston had a 40 goal year last year and was not a $13 million player. He was also shit in the playoffs this year. Doesn’t mean #1 centers are assholes and you don’t need them.
Prior to this season Bobrovsky hadn't had an elite season since 2016-2017 and was looked at as a cap liability. He was laughed at by everyone here. That's a larger sample of mediocrity than this one year. We are all gonna pretend we've been Bobrovsky stans for years now and predicted this would happen? And they never would have won a cup if they didn't dedicate 10m to him? Is that what we're going with?
I think it's fair to say you need a great goaltending performance, and not necessarily a "great goaltender".
This is the point.

It could have just as easily been Skinner posting great stats in the finals and Bob blowing it.

You just need someone capable of doing it. Whether they actually do or not is up to higher powers.