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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Lifetime total goals and assists of coaches = zero.

Lifetime total coach obstructions to teams scoring or giving up goals = a lot.
Brake pads and wiper blades. There are maybe a small handful of coaches in the world worth putting up with more than 1 failure from.
I don't really disagree, but at the same time the impact of coaches is probably highly overstated. Only 1 out of 32 teams can win the Cup every year. Even if you say "Great Job!" to the guys in the final 4, it's not like there are 28 bumbling morons in the league. There are so many different factors involved, with the overall team talent level miles above the rest.

Of course there are times when it's obvious a team needs to make a change. Like the Leafs one year ago.
I don't really disagree, but at the same time the impact of coaches is probably highly overstated. Only 1 out of 32 teams can win the Cup every year. Even if you say "Great Job!" to the guys in the final 4, it's not like there are 28 bumbling morons in the league. There are so many different factors involved, with the overall team talent level miles above the rest.

Of course there are times when it's obvious a team needs to make a change. Like the Leafs one year ago.

imo there are areas where a coach can get a team to play higher or lower than the sum of it's parts but a lot of the job is just getting out of your own way and not galaxy braining shit. Not being a dipshit to your players. No fake accountability bullshit. Being as close to an actual meritocracy as possible, etc.
imo there are areas where a coach can get a team to play higher or lower than the sum of it's parts but a lot of the job is just getting out of your own way and not galaxy braining shit. Not being a dipshit to your players. No fake accountability bullshit. Being as close to an actual meritocracy as possible, etc.
Mostly it means having a good goalie