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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Zeke is taking the heat for Edna's recent Florida takes. A human shield, if you will.

Was unbelievable what McDavid did but bitching out on the CS erases it all. Way to curse yourself. Take it like a man.
I'm torn. In a way, it feels like he did the right thing not to celebrate himself when the team just lost in devastating fashion.

The trophy really should just go to a member of the winning team. It's a stupid result here because yeah, historic points run, but zero points in the last two games and lose game 7? Doesn't really feel like it fully earned him the award.
Maybe it wasn’t a snub but more of letting the winning have their moment with their fans without an interloper
Yeah, another case of our idiot media driving people out of the city and organization. 20 yrs later and Caber is part of the team eating our fucking lunch in identifying misfit toys.