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i found this guy very helpful about fasting, meditation, sleeping etc

View: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4tYvE_OgXz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

love his 6 hour long morning routine.

I feel much better, less stressed and healthier when I get up when I want, relax for an hour, take a 1hr walk through the Hollywood hills, have my freshly ground Java and a nutritious breakfast, get in a 1.5 hour workout, take a relaxing sauna and shower, have lunch then put in my standard 3 hour work day.
Counting calories is only thing that works for me.

What I noticed is that booze ruins a weeks worth of weight loss.

The covid years got me onto some terrible habits. Aka Skip the dishes.

Down 25, with 20 more to go. Have hit a bit of a plateau though.

Very late to this but... same.
Yesterday Huberman got busted for having 6 girlfriends at once, lying about it, etc etc

So I read this. And it was interesting.

But now I’m reflecting on it. And I have some issues. This was mostly just a hit piece on how he deals with women. And don’t get me wrong, seems like he treats them very poorly, which I do not approve of.

But not much of the article was focused on his rise to stardom or the merits of his various strategies, which is what I was expecting. So I find myself left wanting on that front.
It's interesting that the ladies found each other, started a group chat and are now best of friends. But yeah, other than that and the ghosting (which is just a fucking bizarre thing for anybody to do) it's not like he's a charlatan, and even most of the people he's wronged still seem to like him. Definitely more of a hit piece than a balanced article exploring his story and how and why he got to this point. Like I am not nearly as surprised as the writer to find out he spends more time recording podcasts than wearing a white coat in a fucking laboratory.