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GDT #21: 2023/11/30 - The Real 1st Quarter Pole

Assholes. They had that game won then they started fucking around pulling their peckers and damn near threw it away.

Good to see Marner wake up.
Our inability to protect leads this year is very concerning. Especially against the fucking Kraken.

Woll looks great though, which means Sheldon will run him into the ground soon and he’ll get injured.
Matthews gets injured a lot. He should have taken the 8 years.
If he's more of an 85-95 point guy like he has been for the last 95 games then yeah, I would have taken the 8 years. He may not get a raise next contract even if the cap skyrockets. The contract will largely be for his declining years + maybe he's just not that consistent 100+ point monster. I don't even care if he isn't that btw.. I'm just disappointed in his nerdies this year. They're usually top notch but they are pretty shit for the first time this year. His wrist may be fucked. Or it's the cocaine.
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If he's more of an 85-95 point guy like he has been for the last 95 games then yeah, I would have taken the 8 years. He may not get a raise next contract even if the cap skyrockets. The contract will largely be for his declining years + maybe he's just not that consistent 100+ point monster. I don't even care if he isn't that btw.. I'm just disappointed in his nerdies this year. They're usually top notch but they are pretty shit for the first time this year. His wrist may be fucked. Or it's the cocaine.

I keep seeing references here to Matthews and coke. Is this a real thing or is it more comedy/bullshit?
Does anyone have an idea of where I can find the in seat menus for food service? I’ve been searching and can’t find. Just trying to get an idea of how much we should feed my kiddo first, if there’s nothing he’ll like plus pricing