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Why antidopping in sports is the height of stupidity, example #84562
Andrei Markov was suspended for a year in a half by RUSADA. He didn't fail a test or anything, though. He retired, didn't take anymore tests, took a job as a coach in the KHL and got suspended for a year & a half because he didn't show up for anti-dopping tests... as a retired player. And because of it, he'll be unable to coach.
Antidopping, making sure the cheaters (who didn't actually fail a test) stay retired and unemployed!

KHL | Andrei Markov suspendu un an et demi par lâagence russe antidopage
L’ancien défenseur du Canadien Andrei Markov, qui avait accepté en mai un poste d’entraîneur adjoint dans la KHL, a été suspendu pour un an et demi par l’agence russe antidopage (RUSADA).

Andrei Markov was suspended for a year in a half by RUSADA. He didn't fail a test or anything, though. He retired, didn't take anymore tests, took a job as a coach in the KHL and got suspended for a year & a half because he didn't show up for anti-dopping tests... as a retired player. And because of it, he'll be unable to coach.
Antidopping, making sure the cheaters (who didn't actually fail a test) stay retired and unemployed!