Oh yeah! Sorry for the lack of update.
From their report, it seems that State saw the light and switched to a staggered move-in system. My buddy said that thanks to a very nice NC State peace officer directing them to park in an empty nearby lot, there really was no waiting at all on Saturday and got his kid into his room with nary a problem. And even though they got lucky with the temperature, it was still terribly humid, especially for a family from beautiful Frankfort, MI, which is right on one of the big lakes kinda up north(ish).
As an aside, when the family toured U of M, all they heard by university folks showing them around was how lucky their kid was to be accepted to that particular school. By contrast, all of the folks at State were so nice and pretty much said the opposite: we're so lucky to have you. My buddy said it was no contest as to what school their kid was going to attend when they factored in the attitudes and the fact that State's campus is so much nicer.