Convince me that this sector won't complete pop.
savage intraday selling. I went shopping for more.
Convince me that this sector won't complete pop.
Made the mistake or popping in the weed stocks subreddit... Woof. So much misery and doom and gloom talk. Stay away if you want to hang on to any mental strength.
Same...this is ridiculous. If impatient people don't want their money thus badly they could have just outright offered it.
I usually grind out 2-3k a day on POTN, a US pot stock. Its seriously controlled by one or two hedge funds, and I have figured out their patterns. Took quite a while Weeks. But I got to it. Took a ton of watching the L2.
I keep reading about millenials not being big players on the stock market but wanting to cash in on the MJ and crypto craze.
I think the volatility is turning a lot of these first time investors off.
Can't blame them. My buddy who bought bitcoin sold at a loss and isn't going there again.
I keep reading about millenials not being big players on the stock market but wanting to cash in on the MJ and crypto craze.
I think the volatility is turning a lot of these first time investors off.
Can't blame them. My buddy who bought bitcoin sold at a loss and isn't going there again.
Yeah fair point. I'm not going to sell. Never even though about it tbh. It's just hard to not be at least slightly concerned and reading forum posts just make it worse haha.
Like I said, I'm holding longterm. I bought at a pretty high price so it sucks at the moment but I'm holding out hope that these stocks haven't reach ATH prices just yet. Pretty confident in WEED and APH getting back to where they were. Not sure about HVST and MARI but meh.. deep down I know I'll be fine. It's just human nature to be concerned though. Thousands pissed away in the last week. Turns the stomach a bit.
Mindzeye, I am going to be trading an account for a Canadian buddy of mine, I only trade US stocks. Any suggestions for Canadian MJ stocks for me to trade? I don't normally hold stuff for much more than a half hour in my trading accts. I am looking for big volume and volatility. Thanks in advance if you have any suggestions.
I used to frequent stockhouse a decade ago. I just visited for the first time since the other day. Its not as good as it once was imo.
that's why it's called investing/trading and not "winning"
asset prices go up and down --- people have to understand their risk tolerance and size their positions accordingly
so, yes I blame anyone who hasn't done their homework, or at the very least mapped out an exit strategy in case the market doesn't make them instant millionaires
Millenials want less risk, volatility represents risk, weed is going through some volatility.Young vs. old
The millennial money mind turns out to be a bit more complicated than conventional wisdom might have you believe.
“Contrary to the notion that millennials don’t want to buy homes, their preference for real estate as a long-term investment is exceeded only by their counterparts in Gen X,” says Greg McBride, CFA, Bankrate chief financial analyst.
Young adults split their vote evenly between real estate and cash (at 30 percent for each), with stocks trailing far behind (at 13 percent, behind gold). Compare that to baby boomers, who choose stocks second after real estate, with cash third.
Millennials have years to earn and invest, so why would they seem more eager to play it safe than people who are in or near retirement? Here’s one possible reason: their relative lack of overall wealth compared to their parents and grandparents.
With fewer dollars to play with, millennials are less likely to want to take on risk, even if that means settling for weaker returns.