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OT: American Politics

Let's make a list of things we can all agree on and go from there.

- Violence and looting are wrong and are not helping the situation.
- Victims should be heard, and given assistance to whatever extent possible.
- Trump is a malevolent buffoon.
- Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
- George Floyd was straight-up murdered.
- In the best-case scenario, it's not just a few bad apples in law enforcement. It's A LOT of bad apples.
- Police reform is required. NOW.
So why are the victims of the violence ignored. When the police are the perpetrators is front page incessant news. When it's innocent people losing their livelihood, getting hurt etc, it's OMG TRUMP.

I get the need for protests but it's now a week of bullshit that has nothing to do with George Floyd anymore. People are getting tired of it and WILL back Trump on military action. Bet on it.
Here's why handy.
Explain to me what trump
That's not the same thing as a crowd being pushed back so the president can have his picture taken in front of a church. It was that pushing back that led to the resistance that led to the tear gas
Those cops were also under attack. We weren't there and the information is coming from people with agendas on both sides.
So why are the victims of the violence ignored. When the police are the perpetrators is front page incessant news. When it's innocent people losing their livelihood, getting hurt etc, it's OMG TRUMP.

I get the need for protests but it's now a week of bullshit that has nothing to do with George Floyd anymore. People are getting tired of it and WILL back Trump on military action. Bet on it.
When you have a fire, a normal person does what they can to put it out. Trump poured gasoline on it. That's why.
I'm sorry but I need clarification here, are you guys actually condoning the violence and targeting of police?

i am understanding of the violence

like has been said many times if you are more upset about that then cops murdering black people than you are the problem
i am understanding of the violence

like has been said many times if you are more upset about that then cops murdering black people than you are the problem
Are you denying there are hundreds using it as coverage to loot and ultimately hurt people?
It's amazing, anyone that poses a question or provides anything that disagrees with the agenda here gets attacked.

I'm still waiting on the response of condoning this violence. Crickets.

did you miss the meltdown by LoF?
Anarchists. Not peaceful protesters. It's being overrun by anarchists. Theyve coopted the protests.

Peaceful protestors are getting arrested and attacked. You seem to be very upset over violence against police. A lot more than years of violence against black America at the hands of police. Similar to the rage you had over Hilary's emails and the laissez-faire attitude you have over the Orange Buffoon.

At the end of the day these people are on their last straw. This is what its come to. Peaceful protests, taking a knee, etc. have not led to change. Your point about the violence having to end before the message is heard is a typical White American viewpoint from somebody who has likely never gone through the level of discrimination these people feel on a daily basis.
did you miss the meltdown by LoF?
Yeah my point is different. You may not see that.

The looting needs to stop. The irony here is that many minorities are being hurt by these looters when their businesses are hit.