Not playing around anymore.
Yes, let's snap our fingers and make that happen.it is time the racism stopped
Live in reality please.
Yes, let's snap our fingers and make that happen.it is time the racism stopped
i am mocking you and where you focus liesYes, let's snap our fingers and make that happen.
Live in reality please.
Peaceful protestors are getting arrested and attacked. You seem to be very upset over violence against police.
A lot more than years of violence against black America at the hands of police. Similar to the rage you had over Hilary's emails and the laissez-faire attitude you have over the Orange Buffoon.
At the end of the day these people are on their last straw. This is what its come to. Peaceful protests, taking a knee, etc. have not led to change. Your point about the violence having to end before the message is heard is a typical White American viewpoint from somebody who has likely never gone through the level of discrimination these people feel on a daily basis.
Where does my focus lie worm? Ive been pretty clear in my disdain. It's time to acknowledge that this needs to stop as more and more innocents are getting harmed, either by police or looters.i am mocking you and where you focus lies
I agree.I don’t think arresting, tear gassing and shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protesters is stopping the looting though.
but yes, by all means they should be focused on stopping the looting and arson.
There are just as many showing "protesters" inciting the violence.Yeah, clearly their approach is not working. Maybe don't arrest and smoke bomb peaceful protestors and the temperature will be turned down on this thing?
And no I don't condone violence of any kind. A lot of videos have been posted here and on Twitter. Kindly look through them and you will see many where violence was incited by police and peaceful protestors were not treated according to their constitutional rights.
I'm fucking aware of systemic racism, which has decreased from 30 years ago btw, but you will NEVER eliminate all of it.
There are just as many showing "protesters" inciting the violence.
Agreed on both parts.Not like this you won't.
But it's absolutely possible to eliminate systemic racism. Shit, even just trying would be a massive step forward.
I wonder how some of you would feel if your business was destroyed by looters.
I wonder how some of you would feel if your business was destroyed by looters.
I wonder how you would react when outnumbered 500 to 1 in some instances. It's easy to be an armchair QB isn't it? It's like asking a white person what is like to be black.Right. And for those situations returning force is acceptable.
But cops are and should be held to a higher standard than the general public. They shouldn't be allowed the tear gas peaceful protests just because miles away some buffoon was being violent against a different police department.