Yes, because that's what can happen when you exercise piss-poor judgement and decide to hop into bed with a guy you barely know. Quite frankly, being filmed was one of the lesser bad things that could have happened to her in that situation, a situation she voluntarily put herself into by making the original bad decision to sleep with Mailloux in the first place. I'm sure that woman who just reached an out of court settlement with Hockey Canada over being gang-raped by a bunch of players could tell this chick a thing or two about just how much worse things can get in such situations. She didn't know Mailloux very well, and to him she meant nothing, which is why he thought nothing of sharing the video with his buddies. To him, she was just a random puck bunny, a piece of ass, like the multitude of young women who can always be found waiting outside the players' dressing room in every arena. And, judging by her actions that night, what else should Mailloux have thought about her?
So if I'm this girl's father, sure I want Mailloux prosecuted for what he did, because what he did was illegal, but my daughter sure as shit isn't getting a free pass. There's legal responsibility and then there's actual responsibility and on the latter score, this girl has things to answer for as well as Mailloux. You can't control what other people do but you can control what you do. She did not exercise control and she got burned. Even if Mailloux had done nothing illegal, if his phone was turned off, this girl could have woke up the next day with a dose of the clap. Would that too be all Mailloux's fault? Random hookups, whether they include acts which are illegal or not, are risky, full stop. People who engage in them must be prepared to own their part in them because they do not occur in a vacuum. It takes two to tango, as the old saying goes.