So this new guy doesn't have the vaccine so.... How does this work? Even if he is willing to get it doesn't he have to wait 3 to 4 weeks between shots?
…and it appears that Atkins acquired him without even knowing whether or not he’ll be willing to get vaccinated:
…and it appears that Atkins acquired him without even knowing whether or not he’ll be willing to get vaccinated:
I'd rather sit next to a dude on a plane who caught covid a month ago than a dude who got his second dose in August of 2021.
Even if he ends up getting vaccinated (assume he will), it seems like basic due diligence to know ahead of completing the trade and that response makes it seem like he didn't, that's all.
Even if he ends up getting vaccinated (assume he will), it seems like basic due diligence to know ahead of completing the trade and that response makes it seem like he didn't, that's all.
A team that has spent years being dispossessed and just generally fucked over because of the virus, they play games where parts of the other team can't play....and your(as in all of you, not hl in particular) first jump is right to "omglol they didn't know"
While it might be true, not the first jump I make. you really believe that?
Do these guys seem like those kind of people?
I understand people don't like them and walk around with the knives out, I'm going to say their knives are sharper.