My kid is devastated. Her annd her boyfriend are currently in Waterton (where they spend April/late September) but winter for work in Jasper. He manages one of the Hotels and she works at another. The hotels are gone. All of them.
I’ve never read his stuff before but I had more than a few chortles
March 5, 9, 11, 2003TRADES: F Owen Nolan from San Jose for McCauley, F Brad Boyes and a first-round pick (D Mark Stuart); D Glen Wesley from Carolina for a second-rounder; D Phil Housley from Chicago for future considerations, Gilmour from Montreal for a sixth-rounder.
I’d like to think people want to keep it because of the money it gets for education and healthcare. Our systems are in shambles and if they don’t get that extra boost how far in the shitter will they go? (This is what I’ve been hearing anyways)