As much as I logically can see that toughness in the NHL has changed and for the better; I can't help but miss and feel nostalgic of the old NHL I fell in love with all the big hits and fights.
It just feels like the NHL is missing some of that to make the game that much more exciting. Maybe it...
All my picks are available for future picks, a 1st rounder this year, or like Deckie said I'd also be interested in moving picks for a pick in the dispersal draft if anyone is interested.
2-15 (34)
2-16 (35)
2-17 (36)
3-3 (41)
3-9 (47)
4-9 (66)
I agree with axl, SB's points could use some revising. Either increase the amount you get for a SB or just remove CS from the equation. It won't do a lot, but it will make SB's worth at least something. Right now it's just a bonus stat, when scouting guys SB are the last thing to look at and it...