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2022-23 Season Discussion

This top up games thing is a bit tougher than I’d imagined. Not in a bad way, just saying I’m working hard to make sure I’ve got a full lineup every week lol. Unexpected injuries or scratches are hurting the effort
Minors Eligibiliy

Goalies = 60. After 60 games you must move the goalie to the NHL roster.
Skaters = 100. After 100 games you must move the skater to the NHL roster.
You both tried to poach players cheap too. Good season guys.

I mean Ray, am I in this league?

Thanks GH...You had a great season.

It was a bit hairy the last month or so, you made up 35ish points...

you ran out of goalie games with a month to go, so i was always going to narrow the gap. never managed to use all mine, but either way your team is just a little better, unfortunately for me. can't wait to come up short and land in second again next year lol.