Super smart play.
Benn is one of those guys known as "gritty", so he gets that reputation as being an amazing leader for no reason.SN panel last night saying benn made a mistake and would be the first one in front of the cameras to take his mea culpas. After the game he ditched media. Good leaderbeans.
I never once thought of Benn as grittyBenn is one of those guys known as "gritty", so he gets that reputation as being an amazing leader for no reason.
If they can win it at home, go see it in person.I hope they win it. There is a small enclave of fanatic fans that have stuck with them.
I was at the 1996 game when avalanche won it. Uwe Krupp made the shot from right close to where I was sitting. You can see me on the replays which I thought was cool.If they can win it at home, go see it in person.
Vegas/Florida is a cool final. Some team is winning their first cup.