the whole thing fucking STINKS and the lack of any real desire to investigate by anyone involved is upsetting and confusingEvery single additional scrap of information that dribbles out about this just reinforces my initial suspicion that at the very least, Nichushkin date raped this woman and the Avalanche organization’s immediate reaction was to whisk him away to protect him from law enforcement and do their best to cover up the crime.
There’s also a whiff of potential human trafficking here as well, with her being on a student visa from Ukraine, her yelling about how her passport was taken away and that she’s seemingly dropped off the face of the earth after this.
Getting super, super tired of how rapey and happy to cover it up my favourite sport is.
it's fucking gross
So Dubas got what he wanted as far as the role goes but soon he'll have to president his team through a tough rebuild. Will he be allowed to see that through?
Yep. He’ll get at least 5 years. Fenway Group found their soul mate and won’t be kicking him out of the house unless something horrible happens
Well, since he secured himself a promotion to team President, that probably means he’s got at least a decade if Shanahan is any indication.
Guess we’ll find out soon how many grieving Leafs staff go with him.
They'll probably go wherever he goes next.But I bet they had so much fun working for him that one day.