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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

that sweet sweet San Jose money

Nah, my bet is Tampa. They take a breather for a year or two, let Stamkos leave this year, and get Hedman to take a team friendly retirement extension. Move some of the secondary (Hagel, Cirelli, Cernak, Paul, etc) money and take a run at contending again with a Leon, Kuch, Point, Hedman, Serg, Vasy core.
Nah, my bet is Tampa. They take a breather for a year or two, let Stamkos leave this year, and get Hedman to take a team friendly retirement extension. Move some of the secondary (Hagel, Cirelli, Cernak, Paul, etc) money and take a run at contending again with a Leon, Kuch, Point, Hedman, Serg, Vasy core.
i like it
I don't, but it makes sense and Tampa has that built in tax/weather advantage plus championship stink on their core.
Yeah he leaves the Edmonton media for the French Montreal one.

If ever there was a stud thats going to sign somewhere weird where he gets left the fuck alone its Leon. I'd be stunned if he signed in Canada.
Firstly, to even try comparing Deadmonton to Montreal is worthy of serious pegging by Wehave.

I agree he'll likely go for the weather and taxes but Montreal isn't Edmonton. You'd know that if the province of Quebec ever dropped their restraining order on you.
He’ll sign in Ottawa to play with Stutzle and they will think they’ll finally make the playoffs before realizing he’s just normal elite without McDavid.
I predicted it and I am hearing people say "He's a mentor" LOL. I didn't realize that's a legit negotiation in contracts.
Marleau was such a mentor after 2 years with him Matthews got drunk and flashed his ass.
I predicted it and I am hearing people say "He's a mentor" LOL. I didn't realize that's a legit negotiation in contracts.
Marleau was such a mentor after 2 years with him Matthews got drunk and flashed his ass.

I do think Patty Marleau actually did do a lot of mentoring for our young stars. But his lessons were mostly about imparting the importance of looking out for #1 and getting paid top dollar.
In fairness though Marleau is a bitch, and Foligno is a good ol hockey boy.

I don't get why they had to give him 2 years though. But I guess they have no intent of competing.
I feel bad for Bedard, having to come up in that organization.

Hope he leaves as soon as it’s possible (7 years?)