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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

It's a nice way to find value in goaltending. Grab a not terrible bet that is already under contract and acquire with retention. Bam, you have yourself a cheap goalie with upside.

And if it doesn't work out (as is the case with many goalies) you can dump them quite easily or use him as a backup without it costing you dearly.
It's not a bad deal for Flames....but those massive trades rarely happen IRL

When people say that Marner wants to stay in Toronto, do they think he'd stay if the Leafs gave him something like a give or take 8x8 deal? Of course he wouldn't. He wants to stay under the condition that he's paid like a top 5 player in the nhl.

Canes are notoriously stingy and firm. This is what they offered him and Slavin clearly wanted to stay so he took it. Likely not much to do with his agent in this case. Clear case of a "hometown discount"