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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

That didnt sound overly optimistic. Damn shit just got real

This after Seravalli got their hopes up saying Drai and McDavid are all but signed a week ago
I didn't really interpret what he said as very negative. The usual I don't know, we'll see - air filler.

But I think he's gotta be smart enough to leave anyway. And I don't think the Oil will have the balls to trade him now coming just an inch away from a cup.

This cup run was the worst thing that maybe could've happened to them. If they'd flamed out in the first round, they could justify the need for change and just trade him off. But coming so close, ditching the other face of the franchise won't sit well with fans. This is another trade you can pretty much only lose. And walking him to free agency, when nobody wants to come to Edmonton, is a non-starter.

They are pretty fucked with this situation.
If this frees room for them to pay Zadorov then... Good I guess.

Or maybe they are gonna take a run a Guentzel like it's been rumoured.
Cheap price to unload a bad contract with two years left on his deal (granted it doesn't excuse handing out that contract to him in the first place just mitigates the bad mistake)
I hope he says no
Might be a conflict of interest for his agent (who is also the agent for Zadorov) as he'd be tempted to tell Mikheyev to waive so the team could essentially give that money to his other client. 🤣

looks like done deal (looks like 15% retention by the Canucks - guess that's why only a 2nd round pick was given to take on that cap dump)
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