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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

3 years x $3.33M for Boosh, and 4 years x $3.8M for Edmontonson. Holy fuck.

A nice reminder of just how much worse things could be, I suppose. And I guess we’re safe from acquiring Boosh as a deadline rental for at least two seasons now. Small mercies.
Also look what some cross checks during failed playoff runs do for bottom pair d-men value here…

Talbot: 54GP, .913sv, +.27 gsaa/60
Woll: 25GP, .907, +.11 gsaa/60

1yr regular + playoffs

Talbot (37) 57gms, .909, +0.22gsax/60
Woll (26) 28gms, .911, +0.51gsax/60


Talbot (37) 93gms, .905, +0.14gsax/60
Woll (26) 39gms, .915, +0.60gsax/60
1yr regular + playoffs

Talbot (37) 57gms, .909, +0.22gsax/60
Woll (26) 28gms, .911, +0.51gsax/60


Talbot (37) 93gms, .905, +0.14gsax/60
Woll (26) 39gms, .915, +0.60gsax/60

Talbot's 1 bad year in the last 5, and Woll's 7 games of .932 are both doing a bunch of weirdo heavy lifting.

Also, if we're doing a splitty thing...yeah, I'll take 46 games of .905 and above average gsaa over 19-20 games of real gud.

I'm assuming Jim Nill has died and they're just propping the body up to get through the free agency period without anyone knowing.
