I will get banned again soon, worry not.
Nothing. They don't need to grow it and it's not the NHL's job.assuming you are correct and there was no growth, what do you suggest the NHL do to "grow the game"?
What the NHL needs to do is focus on the health of its current product. It needs to stop insisting on putting franchises into non hockey markets that don't give a shit. For example, we never needed Atlanta to have a franchise. We didn't need it in 1972, we didn't need it in 1999 and we don't need it now.
We clearly don't need 2 teams in the LA area, either.
In the US, there are a few cities that could use a team, but Atlanta isn't one of them. Portland Or. Houston, Milwaukee, and Hartford should get teams before Atlanta. And in Canada, Quebec City needs to come back and make Geoff Molson's life awkward so that he doesn't get complacent.