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GDT #8: 2024/10/24 TOR v STL: Berube's Revenge

1) We for sure will get burned by him going and winning elsewhere. No question about it.

Who cares what he does after he's gone? He's never doing it for the Leafs and he isn't going to so get rid of him.

2) He will get 100 points a year wherever he goes.

Again, so what? What good did Matthews' 69 goals do for you against Boston in the playoffs? Regular season points are irrelevant if you don't elevate in the post-season and Marner never does.

3) I don't know who the fuck you replace him with since it's never easy just nabbing an equivalent superstar for just money as a UFA- and not just equivalent but better, and someone who "has what it takes to win".

You probably won't replace his points with just one guy but again, his regular season output doesn't matter that much. You need to replace him with someone who knows how to show up in big games.

4) As soon as he's gone, we're going to be complaining that we have no one to feed Matthews, and will be searching till the end of his career for a Marner-type who "has what it takes to win".

If Matthews can't score without Marner feeding him then he's a fraud. Aside from Draisaitl, with whom he really only plays on the PP, McDavid doesn't play with any forward as good statistically as Marner yet he still gets his points because that's what elite scorers do. Im sure Matthews will be able to function no matter who he plays with. Matthews is not a creation of Marner. If anything the opposite is true.

5) The cancer might be Matthews or Nylander, and we won't know until after Marner's gone.

You forgot Tavares, who is a proven cancer. The Islanders went from a bottom feeder to the ECF just by getting rid of him. Marner and Matthews are likely both cancers too, in their way, but Matthews is a cancer you have to live with like lung or brain cancer, because he exists in an organ you can't remove. Marner, on the other hand, is like gallbladder cancer. You cut him out and you go on to live a normal life.

Nylander is the only core player who actually seems to know the difference between regular season and playoffs. He shows up, he elevates his game, and tells the clueless, self-important Marner to "Quit cryin' bro".
No. We should have dumped him for nothing over the offseason to break up the core. Now we'll dump him for nothing on July 1st but after wasting another year of AM. We'd seen enough of this group.

Having said that, this is not the way things will go. They'll pick it up and then go back to who there were in the playoffs.
Playoffs this year....we can dream................
Just so crazy that we lost all 3 of our games against bottom feeders already. These are easy wins thrown away. We could be 7-1 just by showing up.

We will never challenge for first place until we bother to show up against bad teams.

We've changed the coach (twice), changed the GM, changed the captain, changed 18 players on the roster.

But nothing changes. I wonder why.