That one took some doing.The Empty Net King has returned.
Blake also had 3 points.Grand gagner! Quatre buts! Jackson Blake avec tres points.
This is a "you take it, no you take it!" Race. Nobody wants it enough.
It wasn't just Luxmore either, although he WAS terrible last night. The linesmen got in the act early and often too, and in all aspects. They got offsides and icing calls wrong all night and neither one of them could drop the puck without being an officious ass. Bottle that up and show the tape in ref school as a classic ... don't do this, kids sort of thing.TJ Luxmore. On his knees…
Yeah, I was impressed with their tenacity - not a typical grinding game - but the Canes were just a better team.Well, they played like they wanted it sure enough. I'm not sure tight man pressure against this particular Carolina team is a good idea though.