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GDT | Game 57 | @ Penguins | Thursday, February 22 | 7:00PM EST

Why do I even watch these fuckwads anymore? If they don't care, why should I?

I hate hating Gallagher because my mom loved him but he doesn't not just not help us, he is a detriment. We have no realistic way to rid ourselves of him.
Why do I even watch these fuckwads anymore? If they don't care, why should I?

I hate hating Gallagher because my mom loved him but he doesn't not just not help us, he is a detriment. We have no realistic way to rid ourselves of him.
If you had stopped watching 3 years into the Bergevin regime, the regime might not have lasted another 6 years. You get whatever you're prepared to put up with. For too long you and fans like you contented yourselves with mediocrity because "at least we made the playoffs." Now the piper must be paid and he ain't cheap. You can't avoid the pain forever and you can only postpone it for so long.

This is the reckoning.
We're a one line team. It's fun when they're on. Unfun when they get shut down.
I watch because I have confidence that while the on-ice product still sucks at the moment, the people in the front office don't suck anymore and have a plan that doesn't rely on hope.
If you had stopped watching 3 years into the Bergevin regime, the regime might not have lasted another 6 years. You get whatever you're prepared to put up with. For too long you and fans like you contented yourselves with mediocrity because "at least we made the playoffs." Now the piper must be paid and he ain't cheap. You can't avoid the pain forever and you can only postpone it for so long.

This is the reckoning.
I want to watch a competitive team, playoffs are a bonus. Your old style view that says cup or heads roll no longer applies. Heaven forbid I don't like knowing there is no chance to make the playoffs before the first puck is dropped.

This "reckoning" is not going to get us a cup in 5 years
I watch because I have confidence that while the on-ice product still sucks at the moment, the people in the front office don't suck anymore and have a plan that doesn't rely on hope.
look I get psychologically why you would prefer not to make the post season, search your feelings you know what I will write is true.

Despite all your bravado about hating the Leafs more, you love the Canadiens more than anything. They allowed you to tell homies at school, suck it, my team is better than yours when you moved to Toronto. When you were probably known as the "frog", you could tell them to susse your banane. Even in the 1980s when we started to slide, we were better than the Leafs, hell we were all the way to 1993.

You are so enmeshed in our success than when they lose in the post season, it cuts you more deeply than just about anything that has ever happened in your life. You are so afraid of that pain, that your fight or flight response kicks in and you choose flight. 2021 was a perfect example. You were ghastly afraid of us losing to the Leafs and the pain that would cause you. As a result, you actually wanted us to miss the post season. Had we missed, you would have been deprived of the most fun we have had as a fan base in 30 years (and it eased some of the pain of masks, lockdowns, no travel etc). However, you focused more on being afraid to lose than the joy of winning.

Now you want us to keep losing unless you can win a cup. Only one team wins a cup per year and that probably will not be us for 10+ years if ever. The only reason you want us to miss the post season all the time unless we win it all is so you don't have to face the pain of losing (you choose flight all the time). Sometime you need to choose fight.

Seeing the team play in the post season is fun, regardless of the outcome. As you say, the regular season is meaningless, so why just want to watch 82 meaningless games?

As for the less than subtle xenophobia that somehow anglo management will get us to the promised land, may I remind me you that our last two cups were under franco management.

I also am not quite sure what Hughes' plan is. We haven't jettisoned anyone so far, we still have three anchors on right wing and two anchors in net.
I want to watch a competitive team, playoffs are a bonus. Your old style view that says cup or heads roll no longer applies. Heaven forbid I don't like knowing there is no chance to make the playoffs before the first puck is dropped.

This "reckoning" is not going to get us a cup in 5 years
never was
look I get psychologically why you would prefer not to make the post season, search your feelings you know what I will write is true.

Despite all your bravado about hating the Leafs more, you love the Canadiens more than anything. They allowed you to tell homies at school, suck it, my team is better than yours when you moved to Toronto. When you were probably known as the "frog", you could tell them to susse your banane. Even in the 1980s when we started to slide, we were better than the Leafs, hell we were all the way to 1993.

You are so enmeshed in our success than when they lose in the post season, it cuts you more deeply than just about anything that has ever happened in your life. You are so afraid of that pain, that your fight or flight response kicks in and you choose flight. 2021 was a perfect example. You were ghastly afraid of us losing to the Leafs and the pain that would cause you. As a result, you actually wanted us to miss the post season. Had we missed, you would have been deprived of the most fun we have had as a fan base in 30 years (and it eased some of the pain of masks, lockdowns, no travel etc). However, you focused more on being afraid to lose than the joy of winning.

Now you want us to keep losing unless you can win a cup. Only one team wins a cup per year and that probably will not be us for 10+ years if ever. The only reason you want us to miss the post season all the time unless we win it all is so you don't have to face the pain of losing (you choose flight all the time). Sometime you need to choose fight.

Seeing the team play in the post season is fun, regardless of the outcome. As you say, the regular season is meaningless, so why just want to watch 82 meaningless games?

As for the less than subtle xenophobia that somehow anglo management will get us to the promised land, may I remind me you that our last two cups were under franco management.

I also am not quite sure what Hughes' plan is. We haven't jettisoned anyone so far, we still have three anchors on right wing and two anchors in net.
The 2021 run was fun, but it fucked up our draft ranking. That would have been fine if we'd lucked out and won, but we failed. For me, beating the Leafs and then getting annihilated in the second round would have been just as satisfying as going to the finals and ultimately more useful in the long run as our draft position would improve. But for the most part I didn't want the Habs to make the playoffs in 2021 or the season before because of two things, neither of which had anything to do with the Leafs.

1. they simply didn't win enough to legitimately be a playoff team. They only got in on a Covid technicality.

2. "making" the playoffs those two seasons prevented what should have happened from happening sooner, namely the firing of Bergevin and Timmins.

Those 2 phony playoff runs did nothing other than buy those two imbeciles more time. We could be deeper into a rebuild by now if they had been turfed when they should have been.

And it's not that I want them to keep losing. It's just that I don't want a bit of flukey, unsustainable success to short-circuit the rebuild. I don't want to squeak into a wildcard spot and have the fanbase declaring the rebuild to be over. If they take shortcuts and half ass this we'll never see a legitimate Cup run. I'd rather suck until we are a Cup contender rather than a mere playoff spot contender. Lots of teams make the playoffs but only a handful are actual contenders to win it all. The rest is just fool's gold.