MBow30 alt account
No arguments there. Tech, in particular, is correcting in a big way and when your portfolio is heavily tech-centric it's gonna be hard to come back from that in the short-term.I get it, but it’s a question of timing now because there’s apparently no bottom in the near term. Also I do the math on them almost every day. Hmm, if I buy more of X now, how much will it bring down my cost basis. And it’s not much at all unless I add an extra 50% to the position, and which of them do I do that with when all of them look similarly poop? And what if it goes down another 20%, as it would’ve a few times had I done it at various points during the meltdown? If I need to spend a bunch to bring my price on something down from $270 to $260, when it’s $90 right now, it feels like a risk with little reason behind it.
Whenever I start to think about it, the only way it makes sense is to think about it as two people’s portfolios. One is old crushed me who has to just sit on it and suffer till it goes back to $270. The other is current me who can dive in and buy something for $90 and hope it doesn’t drop to $50. But combine those two positions and there’s barely a dent in the cost basis, unless I want to burn up all remaining cash to double down on a few names I’m holding. And each time I’ve considered it on one, I wait and watch it drop down even more and thank the heavens I didn’t buy more.
I do think there is value in buying whatever you believe in longterm (for me it's a broad market ETF, for you it might be a tech company) robotically and slowly. Every Tuesday at 9:30am buy just a lil.. whatever it may be 5, 10, 15, 50% of your weekly income, doesn't matter. I know your method has always been to buy big or don't buy at all and while I respect and appreciate the upside that this method can provide, it is much higher risk.