Sessions opened his mouth a couple weeks ago, and scared the **** out of the industry, we saw a bloodbath in the MJ markets for a day. Then a return to gains. The general sentiment is that he can't do what he wants to do and has no power to change it. It's actually been encouraging from an investors standpoint, it was the thing anyone invested in US MJ was afraid of and the reaction of the companies involved and the market overall after the initial panic was "meh, **** that guy, he ain't doing shit"
As for it being a bubble...sure, it could be. But I think it's more instructive to look at it another way. The only historic analogue we have for this is the end of prohibition and a pile of massive companies ended up birthed out of that. If you could have bought into the alcohol industry at the beginning of 1934, I imagine you would have done pretty well. Are there some over valued companies with goofy forward P/E's? Yeah absolutely but I guess it depends on when you got in. I made my first CGC purchase at 1.70. It's trading at 35.40 right now. Would I feel comfortable banging a bunch of money in at 35.40? No. Will I continue to hold what I have though (which is almost entirely gains). Yeah.
It's a brand new industry built from nothing with a more or less guaranteed chunk of revenue in the 10-20B range in Canada and the 20-25B+ range in California. Find the winners, ride them.