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Leafs' Prospect/Marlies Discussion Thread!

Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Just going by the numbers, Ritchie's not even that bad of a prospect. He put up a 1.29PPG mark in 48 games this year, which is up from his 1.21PPG mark last year. He's also been beastly in the playoffs so far, with 10 goals and 19 points in 8 games for the Soo. He's a guy that I wouldn't mind at all having in our prospect pool. It's just that you'd have to be nuts (or a senile old caker) to want to swap Nylander for him, when Nylander (who's about six months younger than Ritchie) has been scoring at a PPG pace against grown men playing professional hockey all year.

Vancouver's selection of Jake Virtanen at #6 overall is looking like a lot more of a complete swing and a miss. He was exactly a point-a-game player last year, and barely improved at all this year. Vancouver probably just got a little too excited at the fact that he's from Abbotsford, BC when they drafted him. Which makes for a perfect cautionary tale against getting too hung up on where a player's from.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

So have we still not tried Nylander at C? Is he on the W for good then?

I wouldn't say that. He has all the C tools, but I could see a pretty good argument for easing him in to N.A hockey this season. He's still not even 19.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

I doubt it. Heard Dubas interview where he said they aren't going to place ceilings on the prospects like the last management regime did. They used to try to turn guys into PKers, or checkers. Now they are just going to let them develop all of their skills and become the best players they can be.

There is no reason to think that because Nylander is currently playing wing that he can never play center.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

I doubt it. Heard Dubas interview where he said they aren't going to place ceilings on the prospects like the last management regime did. They used to try to turn guys into PKers, or checkers. Now they are just going to let them develop all of their skills and become the best players they can be.

There is no reason to think that because Nylander is currently playing wing that he can never play center.

Sure. I was moreso asking when are we going to move him to C, not doubting he's capable.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

I'd really like to see him tried at C next year... it sure looks like he's eased in.

My assumption is that he'll be put at C during training camp, see how he handles it and go from there. If he doesn't make the Leafs, I expect him to be given the #1C spot to see what he can do with it.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe never.

All I'm saying is this management team is no longer going to pigeonhole players for no reason. If Nylander can earn it he'll be given the opportunity.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

I'm not slagging Shanny and co. or even overly concerned about it. Simply wondering. Seems like he's already earned it.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Yeah I know, we're on the same page, I'm not trying to debate with you.

My point was just that I would think they will try him there based on what they have said about developing players, and not putting ceilings on them.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Can I ask, why the fascination with playing Nylander at centre?

If the kid were to turn into Markus Naslund, would we be disappointed because he didn't become a centre?
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Can I ask, why the fascination with playing Nylander at centre?

If the kid were to turn into Markus Naslund, would we be disappointed because he didn't become a centre?

The answer to your second question is no.

I feel like the answer to the first one is obvious though?
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

The answer to your second question is no.

I feel like the answer to the first one is obvious though?

Not really. I mean, if he's an elite winger that's good enough for me. Yes, having a high end centre is awesome but right now, William Nylander is probably one of the five best prospects in hockey as a left winger. Why complicate his development?
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Not really. I mean, if he's an elite winger that's good enough for me. Yes, having a high end centre is awesome but right now, William Nylander is probably one of the five best prospects in hockey as a left winger. Why complicate his development?

If he's an elite winger, then terrific. But if he was playing as a centre in December and putting up one of the best seasons by an 18 year old in SHL history, it just makes sense to me that he be given a shot as a centre in NA too.

It's not a worry, its not a concern or a fascination. Just something I'd like to see. It's not like he's never been a C before and I'm just pulling this out of my ass.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Not really. I mean, if he's an elite winger that's good enough for me. Yes, having a high end centre is awesome but right now, William Nylander is probably one of the five best prospects in hockey as a left winger. Why complicate his development?

Because he's a natural centre and position bias is a real thing? You said it yourself in your analysis of Marner V Strome.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

It might be because I've only seen Nylander play wing both with Sweden and now with the Marlies, but I'm used to him as a winger.

That having been said, I'm hoping to see him paired up with Dylan Strome. Those two could spend their careers playing keep-away.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

It might be because I've only seen Nylander play wing both with Sweden and now with the Marlies, but I'm used to him as a winger.

That having been said, I'm hoping to see him paired up with Dylan Strome. Those two could spend their careers playing keep-away.

I've mostly seen him as a C. Streamed a lot of MODO games. He looked great doing it and we don't have amazing C prospects already with the Marlies so I figured we'd try it at some point.
Re: Leafs' Prospect Discussion Thread!

Can I ask, why the fascination with playing Nylander at centre?

If the kid were to turn into Markus Naslund, would we be disappointed because he didn't become a centre?

you just waxed poetic about how much more important C was than W, and then you ask this?

I think you might be BSing us. I think you just have size bias.