Anecdotal... crossed money (non refundable vacation booked before the fuckery). Got to the peace bridge at 7am Monday morning, 1 lane open for cars to the US and only 3 cars ahead of me.
The world has to work together now (best economists, unite) to figure out the very best surgical way to punish red states. FUCK THEM ALL for taking so much money from the states that actually generate the wealth, and still being ungrateful and stupid enough to foist this imbecile and his imbecile grievance cult on the rest of us.
On the one hand, this makes me wonder if this is the real reason he called that snap election. So that he can safely roll over for Trump without having to fear facing the electorate again for up to five more years.
On the other hand, I still think Doug has ambitions to become Prime Minister eventually, and Poilievre's cratering in the polls and his own resounding victory amidst Ford's tough talk to the US should make it clear to him that he won't have a hope in hell of pulling that off if he goes all Maple MAGA on us. So for now, I'm inclined to chalk this up as a ridiculously stupid off-the-cuff remark. But we'll see.