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OT: American Politics

The whole thing was laughed out of court, and I do mean laughed...so no, it wasn't "probably" stolen.

Motherfuckers are out here getting sued over making the claims, and losing. Fox out almost 800 millie and Desouza getting his "documentary" pulled by the distributor along with a bunch of "please don't sue us" apologies to the people Desouza claimed was involved, etc.

Jon Stewart had a great bit about the attack on the GOP attack on the judiciary. They can't abide it existing because it's the one place where they're forced to prove the words coming out of their mouths are actually true, with penalties for making stuff up. They've invented such a ridiculous bullshit industrial complex and they've flat out decided that it's what needs to stay the way it is and everything else needs to change to adapt to it. It's really and truly 1984 shit where the meaning of everything is only whatever the party says it is.