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OT: American Politics

Did that as well. It is the step before ivf.

Did IUI six times and ivf twice.

Both are quite similar until the last bit .

Both. Woman takes a lot of drugs (needles you give yourself) that make you pump out a bunch of eggs. 6 to 10 for us iirc. The monitor the number of eggs as you go with the vagina ultrasound.

With ivf they take the eggs out, fertilizer them, hope they double for 4 straight days in a test tube and then insert it back into the uterus. First time doing it we had nothing that made it to the 4 days. Second time we had 1. Normally you can get more and freeze them.

About a 30 percent chance you get pregnant this way. Extremely lucky for us we did on our last shot. We didn't have any more money to do it again. It was about $30k all in.