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OT: American Politics


Wanted to address this one for a second...

- Russia is a fucking shell of it's former self right now. The US can't take full credit for it obviously but this is easily the most effective military aid spend since lend-lease. The depth of Russian miscalculation is immense here. They simply didn't expect the American response to be that robust, and to stiffen European spines so quickly. Remember, early on the Euros waffled like a motherfucker about doing anything.

- Biden's trade actions against China set their semi conductor industry and all associated plans back a decade. Anyone saying contrary simply doesn't understand the technology and how important denying China access to ASML's tech is. ASML is a Dutch company, Biden kneecapped Chinese tech growth for a generation with a single phone call. For this issue and a bucket more, China is much weaker relative to the US in 2024 than they were in 2019. Biden has overseen a near shoring and home shoring boom as well, mostly at China's expense. While the supply chain issues from Covid take centre stage there as the main cause, he's pounded money into public and tech infrastructure at the right time to take advantage of it.

- Iran is so shook that they won't respond to Israeli assassinations on their soil

- North Korea is doing normal North Korea things, but with a weakened China they're less of a threat to pop off.
Comma has done a shitfuck of media training the past 4 yrs. A lot of people don’t improve all that much.

She’s turned herself into a legit star.
Was thinking about this earlier. She's gotten so much better, and that was a fantastic speech.