I was truly, truly far too kind when I said all of those terrible things about what a Trump presidency was likely to bring to America.
To think that hilarious terms like "Trump derangement syndrome" have stood the test of time to describe people who were still dead wrong about how much of a horrific piece of shit that man is.
Really, eh. There's hundreds and hundreds of videos of police attacking protestors. Did they cover this before Trump's stunt yesterday?
Said it a thousand times -- what has Trump been involved in that didn't end in total shit (bankruptcy, divorce, lawsuits, etc)
Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice
The New Jersey Generals
Tour de Trump
Trump Network
Trump Taj Mahal
Trump’s Castle
Trump Plaza Casinos
Trump Plaza Hotel
Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts
Trump Entertainment Resorts
Psst...neither does he.Uhhh yes?
I never know what point Beleafer is trying to make.
If we...and by we I mean muppets who didnt know who this guy was to begin with...needed any indication regarding what type of person he is, well, who names all of their companies after themself?
Jesus, now that's a paddlin'.
Sadly, he's personally done incredibly well pumping up his brand. (His shareholders and other stakeholders not so much)
There's enough people out there who believe narcissistic assholes who talk themselves up.
“A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.”
― Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow
I would place an outsized bet that his business model, sans shuffling dirty Russian paper, has actually done very poorly.
pretty cynical when it comes to most organized religion but it's nice to hear church leaders talk about how he's completely antithetical to christianity.