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OT: American Politics

That's basically me. Mr. Mom.

You all have to understand that I was educated in Canada and noticed the disparity here so there was no way I wasn't monitoring my kids education. Where they are concerned I don't care who I piss off if it means a better education.
The way the system works, you as a parent need to be on the school like a fly on a turd if you want your kid to get the level of education they need. If you put all your trust in the system your kid will get the bare minimum, if they're lucky. And putting your kid in a private school doesn't magically solve all your problems either. You still have to be on their ass. For years they used to publish rankings and evaluations for every school, public and private, in the Vancouver area and surprisingly the private schools, despite their prohibitive cost for tuition, didn't always deliver much bang for the buck compared with publicly funded schools. If parents thought that spending a lot of money on tuition would allow them to take their eyes off the ball with regard to their kids' education they were sorely mistaken.
Jon Stewart needs to take some inspiration from Zelensky and run for the Dem nomination for POTUS.
Stewart is smart enough to know that he doesn't know what he doesn't know and humble enough to admit it. He's a very popular entertainer and pundit. He has some great takes on the state of American political discourse. But none of that qualifies him to be the President of the United States and he knows it. That's not to say he couldn't win. After all, Trump knows nothing about how to run a country and he got to live in the White House for 4 years, but we all saw how that went. People want Stewart to run just for the debates. But he knows better than anyone that he isn't even close to being qualified for the job.
I support Veterans but after the Democrats acted like Republicans in getting policy legislation they wanted through
Burn them too!.
And those gay rights to marriage well they can be jailed for Sodomy!!!. and Fellatio.

That'll teach the Democrats to try and get anything they want done done!..
Stewart is smart enough to know that he doesn't know what he doesn't know and humble enough to admit it. He's a very popular entertainer and pundit. He has some great takes on the state of American political discourse. But none of that qualifies him to be the President of the United States and he knows it. That's not to say he couldn't win. After all, Trump knows nothing about how to run a country and he got to live in the White House for 4 years, but we all saw how that went. People want Stewart to run just for the debates. But he knows better than anyone that he isn't even close to being qualified for the job.
A pee wee coach of policy in the NHL of global leadership.
Sounds crazy.
Might work.
I've always said that Dem presidents should hold weekly spots on all the Fox News shows, for an open-ended two-way interview where the president can ask the hosts questions too as part of the deal. I mean every Dem should do it but only a president would have the sway to actually get them to agree to it. And get them to agree to do it the entire presidency up front, so they can't back out of it later on. Dispelling all the bullshit straight to their talking heads is the only way. And its the only network you'd have to do it on because those interviews would get covered by everyone else anyways.