This is what happens when you only imprison the worst of the mob. Unless or until the brains behind the coup start going to jail they will just keep on criming. Put the higher level operatives in jail like Roger Stone, Bannon, Meadows, etc. I don't give a shit how harshly you punish the Qanon Shamen. He is a symptom of the disease, not the disease itself, and he doesn't make the trip to DC unless someone with a plan sends him there.
No money? I call bullshit on that. Ted Cruz alone gave her in excess of $120K (hush money, no doubt) and her campaign was likely bankrolled by all sorts of dark money PAC's in bed with Trump.
Why stop at books? If you want the kiddies to really feel like they're part of the action, get them some officially licensed apparel so they know which team to root for.
Their first mistake is in believing that there is any viable path to upward mobility in America that doesn't involve being rich in the first place. The entire concept of the so-called "American Dream" is rooted in the fiction that there is such a thing as a "middle class" to which people might aspire. But there are and have only ever been two classes in the world: the working class and the owner or capitalist class. If your income is derived from the work of other people you are in the capitalist class. If you sell your time and skills to someone else for money you are a member of the working class. It doesn't matter if you earn 30K/year, $300K/year or $3million/year. If you have to go to work and sacrifice your time and energy to get paid, you are working class. If you're a Bezos type who takes a half hour nap and wakes up $100 million richer than when you fell asleep, you are an owner. The concept of middle class was invented to divide the working class and pit them against each other so that they wouldn't have time to kill capitalists while they slept.
A worker, no matter how well they are paid, is trying to do one thing: make as much money as possible for the least amount of time and energy as possible. The capitalist or owner is trying to do the exact opposite: to get as much work as possible out of the worker for the least amount of money. When you're rich enough to tell politicians how you want the laws written and applied, you can make sure that your side always wins. That's why America has, to name just one example, no such thing as paid sick leave, among many other things that workers in other countries take for granted.
Higher education is monetized to put people into debt. It has nothing whatsoever to do with upward mobility. Why does homelessness continue to get worse while the budget for the military goes up every year? Because war is good for business and housing homeless people is just a cost. It's not that we couldn't afford to fix the problem. It's that the people who run things don't want to elevate poor people by spending money on them. They want to profit from keeping them poor.