If I open this thread, and I see the first few words of any post talking about Tolkien, I either skip it or skim it, but know that if I do the latter I may spoil it for myself should I decide to see it.
If I’m actually watching the show and don’t want to risk learning any detail of an episode I haven’t seen yet, I’m not browsing through this thread till I do because I know others are talking about it here and no one is using any spoiler tags.
Those of us watching HOD have either already seen the episode or are not perusing this thread if we haven’t. And if someone who hasn’t seen it lacks the ability to avoid this thread and saw my post, it provided no details that would give anything away. Everyone has therefore been marked safe by Facebook.
That said, there will be discussion about actual details from the HOD finale here next week at this time. Peruser beware!