Ohhh, I got 'em, I just don't want people to cry about it again.I don't think that you're man enough to have good spoilers ready to go, that you wouldn't be afraid like a baby back bitch to just put out on the internet with no hidey bitch spoilers tag.
No marbles
That was probably his plan but he had no idea how to wrap it up. Which is why he never will. Especially after all the hate the show got.
Keeping in mind the book has even more loose ends to tie up.
One thing that I think is incredible about the WoT series is that another author (Sanderson), was able to pick up right were Jordan left off after he passed (obviously there were a lot of notes, etc).
Worked for the bible.That's a bad thing not a good thing.
Just read an article on her. For a bible lover she dated a lot while married.
No way she fit that in her mouth.