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OT: Movies/TV Shows

This was the "big thing" in my time in school:

Do you guys remember Stompers? They were the shit for a while. Basically just battery powered dinky cars... But they were the greatest!

That's a fascinating article. The Ren&Stimpy one I had not heard about and laughed reading it.Most I had known but forgotten.
It is really weird SNL would fire Sandler and Farley same day. It's not like they took off after SNL. They were massive stars on it.
They purposely left out of the family Matters/Judy Winslow bit that the actress later did porn to not bum you out more.
And BTW, Letterman was the best Oscars host ever. The "Bomb" thing started because he said it like 1000X on his show and it picked=up fropm there.
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The fuck is all this toy shit?

Used to blow all that crap up with firecrackers.

Maybe my parents should have paid attention.
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You'd be surprised how many old household products were flammable too. Learned a lot about accelerates at a young age that way.

Then I learned about electrical fires. Not that hard to do btw, even today.
You'd be surprised how many old household products were flammable too. Learned a lot about accelerates at a young age that way.

Then I learned about electrical fires. Not that hard to do btw, even today.

When I first learned an aeresol can + a flame = a flamethrower.

🔥 😈 🔥
Something that crossed my mind recently was that when I was a really little kid, I used to take whatever soaps, cleaning, household products and chemicals I could find and combine them together to see what'd happen.

I guess since I'm still here, I must've never found the ammonia and bleach.

This is the way.

By definition, anything an "AI" (these are not general artifical intelligence engines, these are predictive algos that make guesses based on the web scrapings of human generated works) creates is a derivative work of a human creative. Just like if a human creative copied aspects of every Van Gogh painting and put it on one canvas and then tried to claim it as an original work.
Interesting, but problematic. I’ve only read the headline and the blurb but…

Humans use machines all the time to create intellectual property. FX artists, for instance. The artist originates and guides the work, but the user of the AI isn’t all that different- still needs to input the instructions, come up with the ideas, that send the AI to work. It’s just easier and less involved because technology has advanced. I can’t recall the Marvel series that had its opening done by AI, maybe Secret Invasion, so we’re getting to a place where that can’t be copyrighted? Someone can just lift that opening, change the names, and repurpose it without consequence? That’s not going to work.

Tossed this on last night when crashing, and while it has plenty of faults (it may be the worst movie I ever post about on here)….its worth checking out for the first 20 minutes or so, to see what you think. It mainly suffers from the fact Shailene Woodley is in way over her head, and doesn’t have the chops necessary to play this role (someone like Elizabeth Moss would have fucking crushed it, and made it ten times better.)

It’s also a good 30 minutes too long, wobbles in the third act, suffers from some bad dialogue at times…and could have used a better editor, that has a defter touch when it comes to pacing.

edit: (apparently Director himself did the editing, which seems to have been a mistake….a studio should force him to hire a skilled editor, next go around)

…all that said it has some really incredible shots, and gorgeous visuals at times….director is clearly a big fan of Fincher and lifts from him here and there….but he also did a handful of original things that surprised me & kept me engaged throughout. (Plus, while it’s not his best performance by a large margin, Ben Mendelsohn is always an entertaining watch)

Biggest takeaway tho is that Argentinian director Damián Szifron, who is making his North American/English debut with this film, shows enough talent and potential here that I feel pretty confident predicting he makes something great in the future. Or at the very least earning himself a shot at a Bond/Marvel/DC movie.

edit: just learned while checking how old he was on wiki, that he wrote the most popular TV series in Argentinian history (Los Simuladores) as well as the most successful film in its history. (Wild Tales)….and he’s scheduled to do a film adaptation of Los Simuladores, in English for Paramount….so I suspect he ends up crushing that.

Anyways, it’s a 6.5/10 on IMDb, 56% on tomatoes, and not that great…..but is good enough when it’s good, to be more worthy of checking out than those scores would suggest. You do gotta wade through some really poorly done scenes tho.

….but yeah, I’d recommend checking out the first twenty minutes for some of the visuals at least. It’s on Netflix.
Speaking of bad, Titans S4 is pure garbage, nothing redeeming whatsoever around 5 episodes in. Back to skipping through it, but now there's no Bruce or Jason, just Dick Grayson and a bunch of lame-o's and the theme of the season is magic and witches, so it's complete crap. But the first episode started out intriguing with Lex Luthor, who hasn't been in it since, so I'm going to see the rest to find out if there's anything decent in the latter half. Thank goodness for fast forward though. No chance I could've sat through this shit for the full eps.
I watched Asteroid City over the weekend. I guess if you like Wes Anderson it will appeal to you. If not, it's just basically a movie about nothing that goes nowhere but is filmed in an interesting, surreal way and has some amusing dialogue. But there's no real story there, and no characters sufficiently realistic enough to care about.