The Artist Formerly Known as chiggins.
That true? Hawaiian pizza is from Ontario?
yep.. invented by a Greek dude in the 50s
That true? Hawaiian pizza is from Ontario?
ChathamThat true? Hawaiian pizza is from Ontario?
I’m gonna watch the Copa final.
Eng-Ita looks dreadful.
BannedFucken Greeks.
Not on until 8, silly.
Of course. Have to show you Eyetalians how its done.yep.. invented by a Greek dude in the 50s
I flatly reject. Pork charcuteries, such as pepperoni, chorizo, prosciutto etc. do not need pineapple.
This is not tacos al pastor!
Argie-Bra is tomorrow evening, which is a lot more convenient than afternoon game in which I want both teams to lose.
Pineapple chutney on crackers with said charcuterie will change your life.
and fuck you...everything is tacos al pastor.
What about pineapple on pizza with no pork? Accompanied by mandarin oranges?
Pineapple on a charcuterie board??? GTFO
How come? You just prefer more saltiness to sweet? Genuinely curious.My spicy (and very unpopular, I know) food hot take:
Meat shouldn’t go together with fruit of any kind.