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OT: The Funnier Side of Tragedy: Memes and Such

A fun read,

“Pepe Le Pew” apologizes,

“Messieurs and mesdemoiselles, bonsoir! It is good to see so many attractive journalists here today. I would like to make love to each and every one of you! Ha ha! Oui, oui—my representatives are telling me not to get distracted. Is good advice, non? This is my problem! I have too much amour, non? Anyway, I have come before you today to make an apology.”

😠 the one thing that made me smile this morning. You could have waited a day to wipe the smile off my face.
How would I feel if during that day you went out hugged a chimp only to have your face ripped off? I couldn't take that chance Anne...not with you. 😚
I do appreciate your thoughtfulness even though your original comment was a bit of a blow to my happy mood.