The device, called the Penuma, had been invented by James Elist—a silver-haired urologist who has been described on TMZ as “the Thomas Edison of penis surgery.”
Nope. Until Tuesday.Until next Monday.
No longer dependent on marriage as a means to financial security or even motherhood (a growing number of women are choosing to create families by themselves, with the help of reproductive technology), women are “increasingly selective,” leading to a rise in lonely, single young men — more of whom now live with their parents than a romantic partner. Men also account for almost 3 of every 4 “deaths of despair,” either from a suicide, alcohol abuse or an overdose.
Hence the Republican strategy of turning the clock back 100 years on women's rights. Take away their economic and political power so that they are forced to settle for fragile, mediocre white men.
Hence the Republican strategy of turning the clock back 100 years on women's rights. Take away their economic and political power so that they are forced to settle for fragile, mediocre white men.
I read A Handmaid's Tale recently for the first time and it's shocking the extent to which what takes place in the book seems to be the GOP's utopian fantasyland...I remember Jordan Peterson saying the quiet part out loud on this idea in the wake of the incel van attack in Toronto. That the problem of angry/depressed incels and single men should be resolved by forcing single/unmarried women into monogamous relationships with them. He called this “enforced monogamy”.
Though that’d just be a temporary measure, I’m sure. In the long-term Christofascist plan, you wouldn’t need to force adult women into marriage against their will. Instead you’d shelter and groom them all from birth, then marry them off to one of the faithful and get them knocked up before they’re out of their teens.
I read A Handmaid's Tale recently for the first time and it's shocking the extent to which what takes place in the book seems to be the GOP's utopian fantasyland...