Yaya ya and the chinks made noodles.
But perfection is perfection.
All this french vs italian is cute and all, but heart disease and diabetes were pretty much perfected with southern bbq so who cares really.
Northern Italian food isn't real italian food.
Northern Italian food isn't real italian food.
Italians are the least cultured people ever. They won't even eat shit outside of their own regional dishes, even if it's still based in Italy. The type of people that are horrified by putting a typically Asian ingredient in their food that does nothing but intensify flavors that are already there. Ridiculous people.
**** you zeke.
Yeah. I don't know what it is tbh. I say this as someone who grew up in a small town in Italy.. They're all fucking weird with their food. Pickiest bunch of bitches I've ever seen.Maybe just tribal? I remember seeing an article about villages in a near state of civil war because of disagreement over the right kind of cured pork to put in pasta amitriciana.
Let me guess....you get scared anytime 75% of your dish isn't covered with tomatoes. It's ok to admit it. Baby steps.
Italians are the least cultured people ever. They won't even eat shit outside of their own regional dishes, even if it's still based in Italy. The type of people that are horrified by putting a typically Asian ingredient in their food that does nothing but intensify flavors that are already there. Ridiculous people.
**** you zeke.
So... prosciutto, parmigiano, aceto balsamico, basil pesto and ragu a la bolognese are not Italian.
baby back bitches. the lot of them.They don't have the most adventurous palates, to say the least. If your nonna's mama didn't eat it, it's considered crap.