ha, pretty sure mine did this as well!I remember way back when my mom gave me Obama's books as a present. Nice thought mom but why would i read that.
Why would you waste your money on a book written by a guy who bans books?just finished Ron's book, want me to mail it to you?
because I am not closed minded and like to read both sides of any issue. I might not agree with all that anyone does (although I am not sure the portrayal of book banning by the media is 100% factual), but it is important to know what all think on an issue. I am anti echo-chambers. In the end, with everything, there is no good or bad, just good and bad. His book was a good read, and while self-serving like all politicians' books, I at least got his side of many of the issues, such as the Disney fight, and why he didn't give a shit when legacy media/Fauci shit on him for his wuhan virus policies.Why would you waste your money on a book written by a guy who bans books?
because I am not closed minded and like to read both sides of any issue. I might not agree with all that anyone does (although I am not sure the portrayal of book banning by the media is 100% factual). In the end, with everything, there is no good or bad, just good and bad. His book was a good read, and while self-serving like all politicians' books, I at least got his side of many of the issues, such as the Disney fight, and why he didn't give a shit when legacy media/Fauci shit on him for his wuhan virus policies.
Okay, then why do you insist on "both sides-ing" issues on which there is only one right side? Nothing that idiot could write would ever be able to justify his policies and actions because the motivation behind everything he says and does is fear, envy and hatred of people who are different from him and who's opinions he feels threatened by. He has nothing intelligent to say about anything. He's just another fascist martinet.because I am not closed minded and like to read both sides of any issue. I might not agree with all that anyone does (although I am not sure the portrayal of book banning by the media is 100% factual), but it is important to know what all think on an issue. I am anti echo-chambers. In the end, with everything, there is no good or bad, just good and bad. His book was a good read, and while self-serving like all politicians' books, I at least got his side of many of the issues, such as the Disney fight, and why he didn't give a shit when legacy media/Fauci shit on him for his wuhan virus policies.
You realize he went to both Yale and Harvard right? He also served in the Navy. He even played Div 1 baseball at Yale. He also won by the largest plurality of votes ever in a Florida gubernatorial race. To claim he has nothing intelligent to say about anything is purely and simply wrong. I personally believe he and Sweden got it right during wuhan. You might disagree, that is fine.Okay, then why do you insist on "both sides-ing" issues on which there is only one right side? Nothing that idiot could write would ever be able to justify his policies and actions because the motivation behind everything he says and does is fear, envy and hatred of people who are different from him and who's opinions he feels threatened by. He has nothing intelligent to say about anything. He's just another fascist martinet.
DeSantis kept schools and businesses open because in the end he didn't care how many people died. He made sure that the state of Florida stopped tabulating Covid statistics in order to hide the effects of what he was doing. Like the other fascist in Moscow, he doesn't care how many people have to die as long as he gets his way.You realize he went to both Yale and Harvard right? He also served in the Navy. He even played Div 1 baseball at Yale. He also won by the largest plurality of votes ever in a Florida gubernatorial race. To claim he has nothing intelligent to say about anything is purely and simply wrong. I personally believe he and Sweden got it right during wuhan. You might disagree, that is fine.
Irony is that you claim he is fascist but at the end of the day, whose state had more freedom from 2020-2023, the fascist's or the anti-fascist Newsom's? Which one was not beholden to teachers' unions, and ensured children had the right to go to in person school? Who ensured businesses did not go belly up? Who took the unscientific position that a respiratory virus can spread on a hot beach? Who didn't send vulnerable covid positive seniors back to care homes?
His fight with Disney is dumb but he knows he will win because Disney cannot pack up all the parks, and hotels and move them anywhere. His support of Donnie was misplaced given now that Donnie is afraid of him and attacking him relentlessly.
It is not as simple as stating "he is dumb and a fascist".
Easily move? do you know how long it would take to build a new park in Georgia (which is not what you would call anti-fascist either). Disney has no leverage and you know it. The only warm weather state that is woke enough for Disney already has a park, California. WDW will not win the fight, but it will be there longer than the gov simply because he can only be the gov until 2026.DeSantis kept schools and businesses open because in the end he didn't care how many people died. He made sure that the state of Florida stopped tabulating Covid statistics in order to hide the effects of what he was doing. Like the other fascist in Moscow, he doesn't care how many people have to die as long as he gets his way.
So no, Floridians didn't have anything from 2020-2023 except the freedom to die more easily of Covid. And I doubt any teacher or trans person or a person with an unwanted pregnancy would claim that they have more "freedom" now than before DeSantis took office.
And Disney can easily move to Georgia tomorrow, leaving nothing but an abandoned amusement park for DeSantis to own. They can afford it, thanks to Disney sheeple like you.
He is dumb, and he is a fascist, which makes anything he has to say completely and utterly irrelevant at best, dangerous and seditious at worst.
Florida is 100% banning (completely inoffensive) books and if you're unwilling to accept this reality I politely suggest you get your head out of your assbecause I am not closed minded and like to read both sides of any issue. I might not agree with all that anyone does (although I am not sure the portrayal of book banning by the media is 100% factual), but it is important to know what all think on an issue. I am anti echo-chambers. In the end, with everything, there is no good or bad, just good and bad. His book was a good read, and while self-serving like all politicians' books, I at least got his side of many of the issues, such as the Disney fight, and why he didn't give a shit when legacy media/Fauci shit on him for his wuhan virus policies.
you have a weird definition of "freedom".You realize he went to both Yale and Harvard right? He also served in the Navy. He even played Div 1 baseball at Yale. He also won by the largest plurality of votes ever in a Florida gubernatorial race. To claim he has nothing intelligent to say about anything is purely and simply wrong. I personally believe he and Sweden got it right during wuhan. You might disagree, that is fine.
Irony is that you claim he is fascist but at the end of the day, whose state had more freedom from 2020-2023, the fascist's or the anti-fascist Newsom's? Which one was not beholden to teachers' unions, and ensured children had the right to go to in person school? Who ensured businesses did not go belly up? Who took the unscientific position that a respiratory virus can spread on a hot beach? Who didn't send vulnerable covid positive seniors back to care homes?
His fight with Disney is dumb but he knows he will win because Disney cannot pack up all the parks, and hotels and move them anywhere. His support of Donnie was misplaced given now that Donnie is afraid of him and attacking him relentlessly.
It is not as simple as stating "he is dumb and a fascist".
using CDC data (murder rate):Huge number of excess deaths in Florida due to the freedom movement. But I guess someone who thinks Russia invading Ukraine is cool doesn’t really care about people dying unecessarily.
Disney is eating Desantis’ lunch btw.
Usually a combination of laziness and arrogance, IMO.it seems like another case of opinions being formed either in the absence of knowledge and facts, or in direct contradiction to said facts.
and I'm not sure how to explain it.
but typically when you dig below the surface it becomes evident that the opinion or view being espoused is built entirely upon a house of cards reliant upon outright falsehoods or incorrect assumptions.